Eight Values of Free Expression Blog #5

There are eight values of free expression. The first one is marketplace of ideas which is about truth and letting ideas be publicized. The next one is participation in self-government, this expresses the importance of informed electorates in debates. The third value is stable change, the idea that people will be more stable if they are allowed to freely say what they please or vent about things they are unhappy about. Individual self-fulfillment is next, allowing people to become themselves through speech and expression. After that is check on government power. This is so important to our country because it allows we the people to perform vertical checks and balances to restrict the government’s power and their abuse of it. The sixth value of free expression is to promote tolerance. This allows people to say bad things or hate speech to help teach society what is inappropriate behavior when it comes to speech and expression. The next value is to promote innovation. This helps promote individuals to freely express themselves in creative and innovative ways. The last value of free expression is protecting dissent. This means to protect views of all people and to have the ability to question the government.

“Promote Innovation” is the value of free expression that resonates the most with me. As someone who hopes to work in a creative field, I value all of the things in promoting innovation. Having free speech and expression to be energized and create new things is so important. We can see this on social media platforms. People have the right to post what they want and let their creativity run wild and share all of their creations with the world. This also plays into the value of free expression; “Market Place of Ideas.” Having a place where everyone’s thoughts and ideas can be heard and explored helps people in so many ways. This can help people learn and discover new ideas that can spark inventive ones of their own. New ways of creatively expressing one’s own self can be explored through the market place of ideas. It is a place where people can openly share what they want and be creative in any way they want. I think a combination of promote innovation and market place of ideas is what resonates most with me out of the values of free expression because they are about sharing your personal creativity and freely expressing yourself.


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